My family said again and again: "why don't you show your great light objects to an audience". But I wasn't sure where and how: Maybe in an art gallery or at an artisans market? But I didn't want to sell my works so both options wouldn't work.
In summer 2018 I was invited via Instagram to the Maker Faire Hannover in September which was unfortunately not possible due to a planned vacation. But I was thrilled to be invited.
Now it was clear to me that I fit perfectly and better to a Maker Festival than to an art exhibition.
At the Make Munich I was immediately accepted at the "Call for Makers" and also my lecture was accepted.
I have presented my upcycling lamps and light objects for the first time in public at the maker festival Make Munich 2019. Since I don‘t sell my works, I haven‘t shown them in public yet - but I want to inspire young & old to create new things and to reuse old stuff.
On Friday night we set up my exhibition stand in the Zenith Hall: a basement shelf which I painted black before, black decoration fabric and three posters. On Saturday
morning we've set up and connected 16 lamps and it was a great picture.
At 10 a.m. the audience was admitted and there were always visitors at my stand who were totally enthusiastic about the objects. "I've never seen anything like this before", "How expensive are they", "I've got another device like this in the basement", "Wow, there's a Nixie", "Can you touch the bullet", "Is that a real glow lamp", "Is that a real glow lamp"?
Time went by fast and soon there was evening and the voice almost gone.

Write a comment
Andi (Sunday, 31 March 2019 00:43)
Ich war wie die letzten Jahre auf der Make Munich. Dein Stand ist mir gleich aufgefallen - der war wirklich beeindruckend und es standen eine ganze Menge Leute davor. Den Vortrag konnte ich leider nicht sehen, da ich nur am Samstag auf der Make Munich war, aber das YouTube Video ist toll!
Hoffentlich kommst Du zur nächsten Make Munich 2020 wieder .
Emma V. (Monday, 27 May 2019 23:47)
Ik begrijp niet waarom je je lampen niet verkoopt. Ik weet zeker dat ze onmiddellijk weggaan. Veel van mijn vrienden zouden meteen een van je lampen in hun flat plaatsen.
Misschien denk je erover na.